But then there was the season finale & Brandon was sent home. The more I learned about Brandon, the more I cheered for him. It was the way he showed Robert how he would stick by someone through thick & thin. It was his past struggles that made him who he is today. Initially it was because of his good looks, but as the weeks went on, it was definitely more for what was inside Brandon. I had my favorites, but I found myself gravitating more towards one guy in particular, Brandon Kneefel. Regardless of the reason, I tuned in every week to watch these men search for love, tackle their fears, & embrace their strengths. Maybe it's because I'm on my own search for love or maybe it was because I wanted a show to take me away from all the craziness of the world. Brandon KneefelI am generally not a fan of reality TV, but when I heard about Logo TV's new reality dating show Finding Prince Charming, I decided to check it out.